joi, 6 octombrie 2022

Active citizenship


Participation - How can I change something?

lWe will read different statements that describe active citizenship behaviors.

lEach student is invited to analyze these statements and select the ones that suit him and that he would like to implement in the near future.

lIt is important to select the statements that you think you can fulfill yourself - you can select as many statements as you think fit you.

l At the end, students will share their choices with the rest of the class.

  • From now on I aim to only throw rubbish in the bins and if I see someone littering on the ground I will call their attention
  • From now on, I propose that if I observe inappropriate behavior among public officials, bus drivers, sellers, etc. I will file complaints or support other complainants.
  • From now on I intend to obey traffic rules, laws and common sense norms. "My freedom ends where another's freedom begins."
  • From now on I intend to appeal to the public authorities if a right of mine or my friends/parents/community is violated.
  • From today I propose that when I turn 18, I will exercise my right to vote whenever necessary and I will encourage those around me to do the same.
  • From now on I propose to be more active in solving problems in my community (if I detect problems I try to see if I can solve them by calling on my own resources or those of other citizens, e.g. greening campaign in the park in my neighborhood, organize a fundraiser for a medical case in my school)
  • From now on I propose to selectively recycle waste to protect the environment.
  • From now on I intend to take a stand when I observe discriminatory behavior or language towards women, people with disabilities or ethnic minorities.
  •  From now on I propose to take a stand when I see people who will attack animals.
  • From now on I intend to report any situation where bribery, favoritism or corruption is found. 
  • From now on, I propose to take a stand when I observe physically and verbally intimidating/aggressive behaviors on colleagues in my school (bullying).
  •  From now on I aim to be more tolerant with my colleagues. If I don't agree with certain opinions I will try to attack people's ideas and not the people themselves.
  •  From now on if I notice illegal situations I will film/photograph them and send them to the authorized authorities to solve the case.
  •  From now on I propose to study the exemplary citizens of my country and try to become one of them.
  • From now on I aim to be better with my brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, colleagues and friends.
  • From now on, I propose to respect all those who work for the school, such as: secretaries, maids, etc.. and I will encourage those around me to do the same.
  • From now on I will try to volunteer in school activities to promote the image of my school, to be proud of it.
  • From now on I propose to get involved in projects that debate problems of the community in which I live.
  • From now on I will try to find solutions to the problems in my community.
  • From now on, I propose to inform myself about humanitarian campaigns from the mass media.